Analizatory moczu
Prowadzimy sprzedaż analizatorów moczu renomowanych firm takich jak Bayer/Siemens. Są to urządzenia, za pomocą których można w niezwykle krótkim czasie zbadać próbkę moczu. Tego typu analizatory moczu, doskonale sprawdzają się we wszelkiego rodzaju placówkach medycznych.
Urządzenie do badania moczu.
Oferowane przez nasz urządzenia to gwarancja zakupu z bezpiecznego i sprawdzonego źródła. Meditech prowadzi niezależny serwis urządzeń do badania moczu, dzięki czemu nasze urządzenia są sprawdzone oraz bezpieczne.

Semi-automated urine chemistry analyzer
Manufactures: Bayer/Siemens
Method: Reflectance photometry
System: Open system
Tests: Glucose, bilirubin, ketone, specific gravity, occult blood, pH, protein, urobilinogen, nitrite, leucocytes. Also detects non-hemolyzed trace blood and determines urine color automatically when using MULTISTIX 10 SG
Throughput: 50 tests/hour
Memory: Up to 1000 sets of results stored in non-volatile memory
The Bayer Clinitek 100 is a semi-automated, single sample benchtop urine chemistry analyzer designed for small to medium sized laboratories and facilities.

Semi-automated urine chemistry analyzer
Manufactures: Siemens
Method: Reflectance photometry
System: Open system
Tests: Leukocyte, Nitrite, Protein, Blood, Glucose, Ketone, Bilirubin, Urobilinogen, pH,
Specific Gravity, Creatinine, and Protein-to-Creatinine Ratio
Throughput: 7 seconds/sample; up to 500 tests/hour
Consistent, reliable results, with one-touch switching between test strip configurations. Automatic prompts and test lock-out if QC is not run for improved quality control. Automatically read, interpreted, and documented Multistix® test strip results.

W pełni zautomatyzowany analizator, dedykowany do pracy w laboratoriach wykonujących dużą liczbę badań moczu.
- automatyczny cykl badawczy bez udziału operatora podczas trwania cyklu
- wydajność: 225 próbek na godzinę
- pamięć: 1000 wyników badań pacjentów i 200 wyników kontrolnych/kalibracyjnych
- pojemność zasobnika (zależnie od wersji)
– do 50 próbek (lub 40 próbek plus kontrole i kalibratory)
– do 200 próbek - zaznaczanie wyników patologicznych
- rzeczywista, 24-godzinna kalibracja płynnymi, gotowymi do użycia, materiałami kalibracyjnymi
- wbudowany czujnik poziomu płynu automatycznie dostosowuje się do objętości próbek, minimalna objętość próbki 2 ml
- automatyczna identyfikacja próbki kodem kreskowym
- możliwość wyboru formatu wydruku
- dowolne wyświetlanie wyników przechowywanych w pamięci
- sterowanie poprzez menu, duży wygodny ekran, prosta w obsłudze klawiatura
- wyniki drukowane na drukarce zewnętrznej lub przesyłane do komputera lub LIS
- przystosowany do zautomatyzowanych systemów laboratoryjnych

- analizator biochemiczny moczu przeznaczony do przeprowadzania badań blisko pacjenta lub do pracy w laboratoriach wykonujących niewielką liczbę testów.
- jest następcą analizatora Clinitek 50 o rozszerzonym panelu badań.
- pracuje w oparciu o 10-parametrowe testy paskowe do analizy moczu Multistix 10 SG.
- oznaczane parametry to: glukoza, bilirubina, ketony, ciężar właściwy, krew, pH, białko, urobilinogen, azotyny i leukocyty.
The CLINITEK Status®+ Analyzer features new automatic checks (Auto-Checks*). The analyzer automatically checks each test strip for humidity exposure, common sample interferences** and strip identification for Siemens test strips. Together, these provide improved clinical information.
Enhances confidence in clinical decisions with (Auto-Checks) performed on every test
Ensures consistent results interpretation with automatic timing and reading of every urine specimen
Ready for connectivity to data management solutions (DMS), via a simple upgrade kit
Offers a comprehensive point-of-care urinalysis menu for routine testing, detection of early kidney disease and hCG pregnancy testing
Easy to use:
User-friendly operation – simply dip and insert the urine test strip
Save time with automatic transmission of results to host PC after each measurement
Flexible entry of sample ID with numeric keypad or optional bar code reader
Risk-free color interpretation:
Ensure consistency of results with automatic color measurement
Programmable setup options include three, four, or five color determinations
Reduce false negative results and the need to retest:
Virtually eliminates vitamin C interference for blood and glucose
CHEMSTRIP® technology consistently measures both acetoacetic acid and acetone
Minimal calibration and maintenance requirements:
Calibration required only once every 14 days
Daily maintenance takes less than one minutes with two simple steps
Simply remove waste tray and discard strips
Rinse with cleaning solution, then rinse with tap water
Approval: US FDA; VDE,GS,UL,CE
Throughput: 100 tests per hour
Memory Capacity: 150 results

Analizator biochemiczny moczu dla dużych i średnich laboratoriów
- wydajność: 500 badań na godzinę (cykl odczytu co 7 sekund)
- pamięć: 500 wyników badań pacjentów plus 200 wyników kontroli jakości
- dostosowanie tempa pracy do potrzeb użytkownika
- wbudowany czujnik wykrywający paski testowe
- wykrywanie świeżych i wyługowanych krwinek
- automatyczne określanie barwy moczu
- możliwość określenia przejrzystości moczu
- automatyczna kalibracja
- duży wygodny ekran dotykowy
- możliwość współpracy z komputerem, czytnikiem kodów paskowych i dodatkową drukarką zewnętrzną
- możliwość zastosowania programu zarządzania danymi UriNotes
Sysmex UF-50 for reproducibility of results and carryover rate by performing between- and within-run precision analyses on 315 urine samples, evaluated the feasibility of using the UF-50 to measure urinary cellular and noncellular components by comparing results from the UF-50 with results of manual urinalysis using the Kova system, and performed side-by-side comparison of the within-run reproducibility from the UF-50, the UF-100, and the Kova system. Results from the UF-50 and UF-100 were highly reproducible, and the carryover rate was 0.5% or less for the urinary components. In between-run precision assays, the coefficients of variation for UF-50 results for all cellular components were less than 10%. The agreement (gamma statistics) between values from the UF-50 and the Kova system was excellent for RBC, WBC, and bacterial counts. The cell counts from the UF-50 for RBCs, WBCs, epithelial cells, and bacteria were 52%, 63%, 54%, and 110%, respectively, of those measured by manual urinalysis. The UF-50 performed quantitative analysis in 72 seconds, compared with 330 seconds for manual methods. The UF-50 is suitable for the first screening to detect hematuria, pyuria, and bacteriuria.

With proven CHEMSTRIP® accuracy, the URISYS 1800® Urine Analyzer delivers the most convenient, easy-to-use urinalysis testing solution for your hospital. Simply unpack the instrument, plug it in, and you’re set to improve your urinalysis work flow. This semi-automated unit runs fast — just a 6-second cycle time — so you can load strips continuously at a pace you determine.
Plus, customization options let you define result flags, create specific reports, and choose the right connectivity.

The Urisys 2400 urine analyzer is designed for laboratories looking for time and cost savings through automation and convenience in system operation, such as easy reagent cassette and sample handling, extended calibration and on-board stability. Urisys 2400 urine analyzer is a fully automated urinalysis system providing enhanced walk-away capability for medium to high volume laboratories with typically more than 100 urine samples per day.
Automatic identification of controls via user definable control rack
Use of Roche Diagnostics’ standard rack for optimized total laboratory workflow
Fully automated operation and a walk-away time of 20 minutes when fully loaded with 75 samples (15 Roche Diagnostics standard racks)
Adjusts easily to different workloads with continuous rack and batch loading
Immediate measurement of emergency samples through dedicated STAT position
Patented Urisys 2400 cassette (holds 400 test strips) provides quick and convenient one-grip and one-push loading and ensures correct reagent handling
Extended calibration intervals of 4 weeks minimize hands-on time and costs
Minimal lot-to-lot variance (no lot-specific calibration necessary)
Test strips are stable for two weeks in a humidity-proof cassette compartment guaranteeing consistent high-quality results
Integrated barcode reader for sample and rack ID
Handling of paediatric samples like normal samples (minimum sample volume of 1.5 mL)
Automatic sample mixing and compensation of intrinsic urine color improves security of results
Approx. 240 samples/h
Interfacing via standard ASTM protocol
QC results available as both concentration and reflectance values
Software parameter settings include adjustable sensitivity ranges for all parameters, user-selectable flags of abnormal results and test strip sieve positive samples
User-friendly, intuitive software ensures easy system operation
Color touch screen with clearly arranged operation buttons, information areas and input fields ensure convenient user interaction
High quality
Accurate and precise results
High quality > urine test strips (internal link) as results of years of targeted research and development
Ascorbic acid does not interfere with test strip (up to 750 mg/L), ensuring reliable results and no false-negatives in Glucose and Blood
Compensation of strong intrinsic urine coloration reduces risk of false positive results